Free Advice On Flooding

This is our free advice page for all those affected by flooding.  Please contact any organisation below for information and advice on flood issues

The Environment Agency

In England and Wales, the Environment Agency is responsible for building, maintaining and operating flood defences and for issuing flood warnings to the public, other flood responding organisations and the media.

The Environment Agency also provides the Floodline 0845 988 1188 service. You can listen to recorded flood warning information for your area or speak to an operator for advice 24 hours a day.

Prepare for flooding by following some simple steps. Sign up for free flood warnings, make a flood plan and find out about ways to reduce the impact of flooding to your home or business.

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA)

Floodline is also available in Scotland, co-ordinated by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA).

Local authorities

  • Work with the police, fire and rescue services and the Environment Agency to co-ordinate responses during severe flooding.
  • Provide local advice to the public about the incident and what to do.
  • Set up rest centres for people evacuated from their homes and arrange temporary shelters or accommodation for those people who have no where else they can go to.
  • Deal with road closures and disruption to social services.
  • Investigate disruption caused by overflowing drains and sewers.
  • Where possible they may provide sandbags and other emergency provisions.
  • If you need help or support to prepare for flooding you could consider contacting your local authority.  Many of them keep lists of vulnerable people who might need extra support in a flood or emergency situation.

The Citizens Advice Bureau

  • May be able to offer advice on how to obtain money in an emergency and deal with insurance queries.
  • Details of your local Bureau can be found in the phone book or on the Citizens Advice Bureau website.

National Flood Forum

Provides advice and support to communities and individuals who have been flooded or are at risk of flooding.  

Health Protection Agency

Monitors and advises on public health.

NHS Direct

If you have any health concerns during or after a flood call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47 for advice and information.

National Grid

If you smell gas call 0800 111 999 or, if you spot a potential hazard on or near overhead electricity lines, phone 0800 404 090.

 Flood Plans    Many Insurers now require you to have a personal flood plan for your property   Download one below
